Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Big Ticket To Wealth - Read This Before You Join

Big Ticket To Wealth is one of the newest internet marketing companies to hit the internet. Big Ticket To Wealth just opened it's doors this year in January, 2008. The great thing about this is if you decide to join Big Ticket To Wealth you'll be getting in on a ground floor opportunity.

There are always many advantages to getting in on the ground floor. But the best reason for online marketing would be the fact that there's less people marketing the business at this point. This means more people are going to be coming to your door to do business with you. This is a huge bonus.

What Exactly Is Big Ticket To Wealth?

First Lets Look At What You Need To Look For In A Home Based Business.
There's so many Internet home-based businesses out there to pick from and if you don't know what to look for you might wind up picking the wrong one.

So what do you look for? Mainly, you want to look for 2 things and these 2 things are crucial. So crucial that they might just be the difference of you succeeding or you failing. The first thing to look for is a great Compensation Plan, and most importantly one that is not flawed. Flawed meaning any plan where you have to pass-up your first sales to your sponsor.

The second one is Training. This is just as important as the compensation plan if not more. Before you join a business you're going to need to find out if they are going to train you. If they're not, you don't wanna stick around too long, or before you know it they might be taking your hard earned money from you.

Now if they are going to train you, then tell them to prove it to you by having them show you or at least go over what their steps are for training you. If they don't have anything to show you or if they seem to be all talk, then leave and move on.

So now we know that the Compensation Plan and the Training Program are the two most important things to look for in any online business.

Now for a couple of facts here. Did you know that every ten seconds someone is starting an online business? Crazy, huh? Now here's another fact. Approximately 90% of the people that start a home based business are going to fail within their first year. Sad but true.

The main reason is because they picked the wrong company to worth with and didn't know about the two most important things that you need to look for in a company that we just talked about. The Compensation plan and the Training program. This along with the fact that they weren't serious and didn't treat their business truly like a business is the reason why they didn't succeed, and why people now and into the future are going to fail as well.

So with this in mind I'm going to tell you why I picked the company I'm with today. Out of all the companies I looked at, Big Ticket To Wealth has the best compensation plan and here is the reason why.

The Industry first 100% Matching Override Commission

What's this? Very simple. Everytime you make a sale, your sponsor is going to make the same amount you do. You make $900, your sponsor makes $900. What's great about this is not only are you going to make a lot more money with Big Ticket To Wealth than you would with any other business, but you're also going to have a sponsor that's going to do everything they can to make you just as successful as they are.

Also, I almost forgot to mention that this isn't a pass-up program, which means not only does your first sale and every sale go straight to you, but you're never going to have to break away from your sponsor. So they're always going to be there for you, teaching you, and helping you so that your home business grows.

Be careful, though, because well over 1/2 of the companies out there are passup programs. You will not only have to pass up your first sales to your sponsor, but once you do you will break away from them and then actually be in direct competition with them in your business.

Okay, so now you know you're going to have a sponsor that's going to mentor you and work with you one on one. Now here's the next reason I chose Big ticket to wealth:

A Back-Office Packed With Over 100 Hours Of Training Audios & Videos. You'll Also Have Over 500 E-Books To Teach You How To Market.

Our CEO Gerald Van Yerxa has over 30 yrs experience in the trade and formed this company because he didn't like the fact that despite his tremendous success over 90% of those that started their own online business failed within the first year.

For this reason he wanted to make sure that whenever anyone joined his company they were going to be given every chance of success available for marketing their business and he went and put it in the backoffice of Big ticket to wealth for every member to see and use. This, with the 1 on 1 training that you get from your sponsor, makes this a recipe for real success.

So, I chose Big Ticket To Wealth because it's Compensation Plan with it's 100% matching override commission is the best out there. I also chose Big Ticket To Wealth because I knew that I would have someone that was going to train me and work with me so that I to would become successful with my business.

Residual Income

Now BigTicketToWealth doesn't just stop there. I found out Big Ticket To Wealth has another great stream of income known as residual income. Everyone that you bring into the business and that's a part of your team pays you $50 dollars a month. Let's say you have only twenty people on your team. 50 X 20 = $1000. That's a nice little chuck of change, huh? Now imagine after about a year and having somewhere between 50 and 100 individuals on your team what that number would be. Amazing huh?

Free Vacations

Not to sound like a cheezy commercial but wait there's even more. Big Ticket To Wealth is partnered up with a travel agency which allows us to give away free vacations. You can give away free vacations to people just for looking at our business and they're not required to make any purchase whatsoever. And you can barter them in other ways as well. We recently had a guy on our team that struck a deal with a radio station for over $150,000 dollars in advertising in exchange for vacation vouchers. And it didn't cost him a penny. You can also use the vacations for yourself as well. Is this Big or what?

The vacations aren't cheap either. We're talking about trips to Hawaii and trips to Cancun.

Flash Videos

Now with any business you're going to want a product that's in real high demand that you can sell on it's own without having to bring people into the business. Most companies do not have very good products and will not tell you what they are until after you've joined.

Big Ticket To Wealth best line of products are the Flash Videos which every member has master resale rights to when they become a member. These products are in huge demand right now and people across the world are looking to get their hands on them. You will have the right to resell them for any price you want. You're also going to have over 500 e-books, videos, and audios that you have master resale rights to as well.

So, let's recap and go over everything that you're going to have with Big Ticket To Wealth:

-You're going to have the best Compensation Plan with the industry first 100% Matching Overrides.

-You'll have the best Training Program where you're going to get 1 on 1 training from you're sponsor and a Backoffice loaded with over 100 hours of training.

-You're going to have a constant stream of Residual Income from your team members.

-You're going to get Free Vacations Vouchers to use for yourself and to barter for advertising your business.

-Your going to have Master Resale Rights to our incredible Flash Videos.

This is why when I saw Big Ticket To Wealth I knew it was the right one for me and I didn't think twice about it. This was the real deal and I wasn't about to let it pass me by.

So, if you're serious about looking into starting your own home-based business and want to find out more information about Big Ticket To Wealth don't forget you can send me an email to or call me at 847-212-5798

Is Big Ticket To Wealth Right For Me?

Big Ticket To Wealth is great for everyone. The absolute beginner, the already experienced marketer, the stay at home mom, and who ever is serious about starting an online career. The simple reason Big ticket to wealth works so well for everyone is that you're going to have a sponsor that's dedicated to helping you and making sure that you become successful. To put it simple if you don't succeed we don't succeed.

To find out more about Big Ticket To Wealth simply click on one of the banners that are on this page. Also feel free to email any questions to